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Bruna Pormann Psychoanalyst

| Brand Design

| Porto Alegre RS 2020

Dr Bruna is a professional with a unique perspective, in this project all her knowledge of psychoanalytic psychotherapy comes together with classical art that inspires her professionally and personally.

allga's challenge was to redesign a brand that essentially presented this unique perspective on the world and people. This is how the concept of the project emerged, inspired by art and literature, two prominent elements in the professional’s career. The new brand brings together visual references from the Renaissance work "The School of Athens", which represents the effort to achieve rational truth through philosophy, combined with the excerpt "even in the best of worlds, the soul needs occasional renewal".

The symbol represents the gaze, the window of the soul, a single line outlines the silhouette of the human face and gaze and the initials of the professional's name: B and P. The colors and proportions are sober and calm, inspiring security and creating a place of comfort for patients. 


 Art  | Knowledge| Attention

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