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Dirty Kart

| Brand Design

| Horizontina RS 2022

Dirty Kart is a new leisure concept that combines the adrenaline of racing on the kart track and the flavor of Uruguayan cuisine.

The creation of the brand and its positioning were guided by the archetype technique, coming from the field of psychology, which combines design and the study of human behavior, transforming the brand into a character, with the capacity to generate interest and identification among the public.


DK is that super relaxed, well-traveled friend who loves an adventure, feeling the energy and adrenaline of racing and having lots of stories to tell. DK is a free spirit who invites you to adventure and break the routine by living new experiences. This concept guided the definition of irregular visual elements, which express the thirst for freedom and restlessness. The color palette explores the energy of orange with the weight and robustness of black and shades of gray. Furthermore, the brand's verbal identity is defined by the mixture of expressions from several languages, bringing the context of travel, cultures and a tone of good humor. 

"Dirty Kart - Enemies of boredom"

Strength and energy  | Irreverence | Freedom

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